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Cod Produs: TailGUARD Categorii: ,

Noul sistem de detectare oarba pentru trailere la marsarier 

Tehnologia TailGUARD creste semnificativ siguranta vehicului in cadrul situatiilor de tip marsarier (mers inapoi), detecand orice fel de obiecte in miscare sau statice, de orice dimensiune din spatele trailerului, activand automat franele acestuia atunci cand se apropie de acestea.


  • Helps the driver to safely reverse in limited visibility conditions
  • Helps to avoid accidents while reversing


  • Automatically brakes the vehicle while reversing within 50-200cm from objects and walls located in the rear blind spot
  • Activated when the driver shifts into reverse
  • Uses three ultrasonic sensors to measure distance to objects behind the vehicle
  • Warns the driver by pulsing the brakes when the reversing speed is higher than 9km/h
  • WABCO Trailer Remote Control  in the truck cab indicates distance and location of detected objects


  • Can be retrofitted with active braking with Anti-Lock Braking System ABS
  • Can be retrofitted with acustic and visual warning in the truck cab with Electronic Braking System EBS